Install on PC (Windows/Linux)
- The project zip (Source from lastest release on github.
- The game data dump with android and db directories. You can download it here :
The original game datas. You can download them here:
- Torrent file
- Google Drive : +
- Unity Editor version 2018.4.36f1 :
- For linux user : FFMpeg installed to convert movies. If not installed, check "Disable movies" in the options.
- Clone git the project or extract the release zip (If you extract the zip on a older installation, remove the Unity directory before doing so).
- Extract the game data dump
- Extract an copy the db directory into the data directory of the game datadump, so you have android and db directory like that :
- For automatic game data detection, you can copy android and db directory from the game dump into the Tools/Data/ directory of the project. But don't delete it when you update the version.
- Launch Unity Hub and add the Project : Open > Add Project From Disk. Browse to the Unity Directory.
- Click on the Unity Project line which was added to launch the editor and load the project. Accept the upgrade version popup if it is displayed.
Linux user : You can convert all the movies in advance with the menu UMO > Convert all movies. This use FFMpeg and take a long time.
- Start the game using the menu UMO > Start Game.
- The game will search game data in Tools/Data or Data directory (default directories when using python script to download from game server). If you put your game data elsewhere, select the directory containing "android" and "db" directories in the next popup. For advanced configuration, you can check the options.
PC specials options
Menu UMO
- Start Game : Start the game.
- Start Auto SLive Viewer : Start the game in automatic mode, randomply selecting songs and diva costumes.
- Options : Open a window with UMO specific options
- Profile
- Force tuto skip : Unused actually
- Live
- Force Live Valkyrie Mode : Force going in valkyrie mode even if gauge is not filled
- Force Live Diva Mode : Force going in standard diva mode
- Force Live Awaken Diva Mode : Force going on awaken diva mode
- Touch* : Select the key to use for each lane and the active skill button.
- S-Live
- Disable Movies : Disable playing movies
- Data Directory : Local directory where game data was downloaded.
- Data Web server URL : URL Where to download data (this require uploading the data somewhere accessible on a web server)
- Debug : Debug options for dev.
- Profile
- Copy song setup for bug report : Allow to generate the song infos to help doing the report.
- Create song notes data : Allow to generate a log of a song play to help doing a bug report when tapping note is broken.
- (Linux user) Convert all movies. Allow to convert all movies at once.