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The SNS setup is in the Sns part of the database for the characters, colors, room and basic talk settings, then in the message_room_text loaded in the SNSRoomTextDatabase for the content of each talk.

Datas in SNSRoomTextDatabase

The data in the SNSRoomTextDatabase are loaded in the SNSRoomTextData class. This class contain a list of header, a list of talk datas and a list of messages.

The header data use the class SNSRoomTextData.Header


An id used to retrieve the header. The AJIDLAGFPGM_TalkId member in the Sns DB refer to this.

startIndex / endIndex

Start and end (inclusive) index of the data in the talk data array.


Not used in code, looks like refering to a talk title.

Talk Data

The talk data use the class SNSRoomTextData.TalkData


The character id of the speaker. Refer to the Sns database KHCACDIKJLG_Characters list.


Shape of the dialog text window.


Size of the dialog text window.


Message index in the message list.


Time delay to show after the pervious text in seconds.